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E1 Interface for Voice over IP (VoIP) &
Remote Access Servers

August 1, 1999

Orion Telecom Networks Inc. introduces its VCL-WAN ACCESS, 2Mbps, E1 Network Access Multiplexer for providing an E1, WAN interface to connect 2 wire PSTN analog, dial-up circuits to the fully digital corporate LAN and ISP networks, Remote Access Servers and Internet Telephony Servers requiring E1, WAN connectivity.

VCL-WAN ACCESS, E1 Network Access Multiplexer is an ideal choice for Internet Telephony (Voice over IP) applications, ISP and Corporate customers, who wish to connect their fully digital networks to the PSTN through the available analog dial-up PTT lines.

VCL-WAN ACCESS, E1 Multiplexer bridges the technology gap between the developing networks and its users wanting to upgrade their services and interface to the latest technology network access servers. This product gives Orion an entry into the rapidly growing Internet hardware business and Voice over IP market.

Usually, the cable plant of most service providers is not designed to deliver E1 services to connect the fully digital corporate LAN and ISP networks, which in such cases can only be accessed by dial-up, 2 wire analog lines - the only available links for connecting the Exchange (Central Office) to the ISP / Corporate networks.

VCL-WAN ACCESS, E1 Network Access Multiplexer equipment uses CAS (Channel Associated Signaling) R2 Signaling and is especially useful in countries where the cable plant is not equipped to deliver E1 services to the customers, who are using the next generation network access equipment which can only connect to an E1 interface.

Usually, inter-connectivity problems arise if only 2 wire, analog lines are being provided by the telephone company to the subscriber premises to connect the next generation, digital corporate LAN and ISP networks which can only connect, directly, to an E1 interface. Most of the next generation network access concentrators (servers), available today, can only connect to the PSTN through digital E1 interfaces.

VCL-WAN ACCESS, 2Mbps E1 Network Access Multiplexer provides an "analog to digital" interface that is required to connect the analog dial-up PSTN lines (2 wire telephone lines) to the Cisco AS5300 VoIP servers, Nuera 200ip VoIP servers, Lucent ITS series servers, Ericsson-Touchwave Webswitch.

Similarly, most of the latest Voice over IP (VoIP) Servers require an "analog to digital" interface that is required to connect the analog dial-up PSTN lines (2 wire telephone lines) to their E1 Access Ports. These Servers can be easily connected to the 2 wire analog, dial-up PSTN network through E1 links, using the VCL-WAN ACCESS, 2Mbps E1 Multiplexer.

The VCL-WAN ACCESS supports V.34, download data transmission rates of 33.6Kbps and upload transmission rate of 31.2kbps. The equipment uses CAS (Channel Associated Signaling) R2 Generic Signaling.

Orion also provides a wide range of telecom transmission solutions including data communication equipment, multiplexers, Voice over IP solutions, E1 / T1 Channel Banks, E1 WAN Access multiplexer, E2 (4E1) Opti Multiplexer, E3 34Mbps multiplexers, E3 34Mbps Optical Line Transmission equipment (OLTE), PRI ISDN and Bandwidth Manager equipment.

Technical specifications are subject to change without notice.
All brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


GSM Gateway / GSM Channel Banks

Echo Cancellers and Voice Quality Enhancement

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Groomers (Hi-Z Non-Instrusive Monitoring)

STM SDH Multiplexer
Optical Transmission
E1, T1, E3, DS3, Ethernet Converters
APS (1+1) Automatic
Protection Switch
::   Application Diagram  ::
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Orion Telecom Networks, Inc.
16810, Avenue of the Fountains,
Suite # 108, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 U.S.A.
Phone: +1 480-816-8672,  Fax: +1 480-816-0115
E-mail: sales@oriontelecom.com
Web Site: http://www.oriontelecom.com