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VCL-STM-1 (upto 63 E1)


  • Multiple Services from E1/DS1s

  • E3/DS3s,

  • STM-1 electrical

  • STM-1 optical

  • 10/100Mbps Ethernet

  • Cost effective


Orion Telecom Networks Inc. offers the VCL100MC-1 STM-1 (upto 63 E1) with E3, DS3, 10/100BaseT Ethernet interfaces is a compact, modular, and cost effective STM-1 SDH multiplexer equipment designed to manage bandwidth and provide E1 or fractional E1, voice and data access service over STM Networks. The STM-1 offers both electrical STM-1 (1+1) and optical STM-1 (1+1) interfaces. It is customized for the traffic demands, in the access network, typical of residential or business customers. The product supports end-to-end provisioning and management of services across all the segments of the optical network. It combines innovative optical networking software with the intelligence of SONET / SDH to deliver a flexible, cost-effective network solution.

VCL100MC-1 (upto 63 E1) with E3, DS3, 10/100BaseT Ethernet interfaces is a 3U height multi-card chassis system that provides flexibility to the customers in terms of expansion to support additional client interfaces by adding new modules in the field.

The system has two STM-1 optical / electrical interfaces in the aggregate side and allows for upto 3 tributary add-on cards. The following tributaries are available as add-on cards for the chassis:

  • E1
  • E3/DS3 tributaries (software configurable as E3 or DS3)
  • 10/100Base-T Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
  • STM-1o
  • STM-1e

The STM-1 / STM-4 can be managed through an integrated NMS that manages all the equipment, providing customers with end-to-end provisioning from a single platform for multiple service types - from E1/DS1s, E3/DS3s, STM-1e, STM-1o and 10/100Mbps Ethernet services.


  • Next generation access SDH multiplexers to provide multi-service solutions at the edge.
  • Support for both TDM and data traffic services.
  • Flexible set of configurations to meet customer's different service requirements.
  • Brings the power of Intelligent Optical Networking from core to access.
  • VCL100MC-1 STM-1 Multiplexer with:
    • Add/Drop, Terminal Multiplexer, Cross Connect and Regenerator configurations.
    • E1/DS1, E3/DS3, STM-1e.
    • Built-in cross-connect capabilities at VC-12 and VC-3 granularity.
    • Support for AU-3 and AU-4 mapping.
    • Rate adaptive Ethernet services for easy control of bandwidth with 2Mbps granularity.
  • Supports MSP and SNCP protection.
  • "Point-and-click provisioning" of E1/DS1, E3/DS3, STM-1 and 10/100 Ethernet Interfaces for ease of management (optional).
  • Optional hardware redundancy for power supply.

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VCL-STM-1 (upto 63 E1) - Product Brochure (PDF)
MTBF and Budgets (PDF)
Product Overview
Network Element Software
System Hardware

GSM Gateway / GSM Channel Banks

Echo Cancellers and Voice Quality Enhancement

Digital Access Cross Connect Switch (DACS)

Groomers (Hi-Z Non-Instrusive Monitoring)

STM SDH Multiplexer
Optical Transmission
E1, T1, E3, DS3, Ethernet Converters
APS (1+1) Automatic
Protection Switch
::   Application Diagram  ::
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